On the 28th of June, Bestwineimporters had the pleasure to be featured in the latest podcast episode of the Italian Wine Podcast, a project aimed to inform, educate, and entertain fans of Italian wine through engaging conversations with producers and industry experts.
During this 30 minute chat, Steve Raye, the CEO of Bevology and one of the most respected consultants on topics regarding the US wine and spirits market sat together with Sergiu Briceag, our marketing manager with over 16 years of experience in traditional and digital marketing, discussing our database development and how we continuously strive to add value to our clients, as well as industry challenges, trends, how to identify and connect with potential buyers worldwide or business strategies to successfully promote a wine brand.
We are honored to be part of this collaboration and would like to thank all parties involved. Ala Prossima!
You can listen to the full recording here.
Ep 599: “How to Get U.S. Market-Ready with Italian People” with Steve Raye